Work with the community: It is ,perhaps ,true of all social and human development projects, particularly those which give importance to gender equity , that work with the community has to be the indispensable strategy not only at the initial stages of the project, it has to be sustained till the conclusion of the project. Not only the response of the people, and parents of the persons who are to be educated, depend on it; even more important, sustainability of the project is dependent on active involvement of the community.
Creation of people’s organizations: In many in situation creation of people’s organizations becomes a goal/ objective in itself. In the AMIED projects we view creation of organizations as an important strategy for achievement of the objectives. We envisage two types of people’s organizations ;(a) women’s group at the village level and their collective at the block level ; and ( b) adolescents /youth forums in villages and , over a period of time , a union at the block level. These organizations, the membership of which would not be confined to one community, would work towards ensuring that injustice is not perpetrated on women and dalits and people receive the benefit of their rights and entitlements.
Strengthening of Panchayati Raj institutions ( PRIs): Proper delivery of government services depends a great deal on effective functioning of PRIs. Long term sustainability of programmes like education /adolescents girls education and empowerment is also dependent on PRIs becoming partners in the programme. Besides, strengthening of PRIs would nurture the roots of Indian democracy –in that sense it is a goal worth pursuing.
Gender Inclusive Approach: Given the fact that women’s exclusion from practically all spheres of life is a common phenomenon, it requires special attention. The inclusion of gender has numerous dimensions. These include women being able to participate in work force without discrimination and receiving equal remuneration; access to education and health care as a right. This can be achieved not only when women are aware of their rights but the larger society also understands the necessity of their participation in the process of social development.
Residential Education and Training: We give the greatest importance to the process of education becoming a mean for young people to accept equality of persons of different religions and castes. Moreover, our approach is that thorough education young persons are not only to learn and understand certain things, but they must absorb and adopt in their conduct what they learn. These things, which involve change in behaviour, become much more feasible through residential education.
Strengthening Govt. Schools/Institutions: We give the highest importance to strengthening the govt. school system for achieving eqautable quality education for all children specially girls education , adolescents education and empowerment belong to educational backward communities . Community ownership of government schools is very important tools for strengthening govt. schools. We provide quality education of adolescents girls through residential and non residential learning camps as well subject specific support of board examination girls for complete their school education. We also work for capacity building process of all children specially girls. We also provide remedial support of secondary school students in Hindi, English, Maths and Science with life skills education of govt. school children before and after school hours and school based on the requirement of school administration.
Institutionalizing the Praxis of Learning, Action, Review and Learning: For improving the efficiency of management and relevance of the educational process it is important to reinforce the cyclical process which envisages