Our Approaches

AMIED’ approach is community based. We believe that quality education of our children is possible only with a positive and well motivated intervention of Parents. Parents must be motivated enough to look into the matters of their children related to education and all-round growth and development, supported by community, teachers and other stake holders. We believe in a system approach. We view entire problem in system and believe in working with all the factors/actors responsible for the problem with in a system. In this system we work with Children, parents, and teachers as direct targets and with the environment that surrounds them. In environment we work with Govt officials at various levels, Local community people, Community based organizations, Religious heads, other govt; and non govt; agencies working with same aims and objectives. We also work on ensuring wide spread awareness among people and linking people with various govt and NGO schemes and policies. We also work on various advocacy issues at various levels directed towards ensuring benefits for people from various laws and legislations, guarantees and provisions placed there by Govt for the welfare of people especially in the sector of education, We also encourage people to send their representations to elected representatives and higher govt officials to demand their rights and to highlight and get their recommendations and demands fulfilled. We work very closely with communities by being a part of them to ensure positive and visible change. We consider child as the centre of our focus and all the activities will be directed towards development.

AMIED would like to operate in a supportive environment mainly characterized by a stable political situation and will continue implementation of key development programmes and schemes of the state governments. AMIED is committed to an advocacy strategy targeted at all the stake holders that seeks to engage them in a constructive process. This will contribute in the fulfillment of the commitment that the state has made on the issues related to child welfare.

Policy Regarding Education and Participation of Women and Girl Child

Majority of direct beneficiaries will be girls. AMIED will focus primarily on better access to primary education for girl child especially in Mewat area. This policy will try to cover the gender gap exists in the area. Such intervention will ensure equal voice from children to determine their own education system. Children will equally participate in decision making process. PRI and community will take active part to ensure quality education for their children to avoid current practices perceptions and ideology that restrict them from taking part in any decision making process. AMIED will also provide a platform to women in the community who never have had any chance to speak for their daughters. This initiative will prove to be a successful model for replication in rest of the areas of Mewat for education of girl child with an enhanced community involvement and participation. AMIED will also ensure and start an initiative on effective local self governance, which will be done by involving Panchayati Raj institutions .

We stand very clear about not creating another system of governance and schooling; we will directly work with the current system to strengthening. Capacity building of local community will be the focus for sustainable development to clarify the stand of AMIED on sustainability of this work we are committed to engage all resource schools and other centers which are functional in the work area, will directly be managed by the SDMC, PRIs and members of local community. Secondly, special care will be taken of proper capacity building all stakeholders, so that it becomes easier for them to handle the activities and resources.

Capacity building of Girls Child through Residential and Nonresidential Bridge Courses are running by organization for their increasing their learning level as well as motivation for education and in Environment in Community of fever of Girls education. After achieving learning level according to their age we try to mainstream in formal education with support of our volunteer to mixing in school environment.


AMIED has long-term interests in the Mewat area and its presence will be continued for a long time. AMIED is firmly of the opinion that despite the magnitude of the problem, it is possible to take up the challenge and initiate a process for establishing a credible system of education. AMIED works for simultaneous Integration of community based, child centered. our ultimate goal is to influence the state Governments of the Rajasthan to recognize the findings/recommendation from grass root level as frame policies and plans accordingly to the need of Mewat area and such deprived communities.

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